CBD For Dogs
For most people, a pet dog is like a child whom they care for all their lives – they’re part of the family, and deserve to be treated well when they’re not in their best health.
Unfortunately for dogs, they not only have a short lifespan (when compared to humans), but also face many issues as they grow older. Right from cancer to bone problems, older dogs experience a number of issues which can cause them a lot of pain.
The worst part is that they don’t have the means to explain what hurts and how much it hurts, so it’s the responsibility of their owners to ensure that they get all the care and treatment they need to relieve their stress. In fact, that’s the main reason why CBD oils have become popular in the veterinary community – let’s have a look at 4 ways in which CBD can help your dog.
1. It’s a safe and effective painkiller
Dogs often suffer from pain in various parts of their body – this could be a result of injuries, broken bones and fractures, pulled muscles, old age, arthritis, or weak bones and joints.
Whatever the reason, there are only a handful of ways in which their pain can be reduced – one of which includes treatment using CBD. CBD has been proven to be one of the least dangerous ways to treat and reduce body pain in dogs.
So, if your dog looks like they’re in pain due to an accident, seems to have difficulty in their joints, or suffers from chronic body pain, you can consider applying topical CBD oil to the affected area – always remember to start with small quantities, as this should be enough to relieve minor issues.
2. It reduces anxiety and calms the nerves
Just like humans, some dogs are prone to suffer from anxiety and over-excitement or fear, due to various reasons. While this usually can be treated by training the dog, showing them love and affection, and treating them well, sometimes these non-medicinal treatments may not be effective for extreme cases.
In such instances, it’s important to consult your vet about the possible solutions first. If CBD seems like a suitable mode of treatment, go for vet recommended CBD oils to avoid accidentally using oils that have been adulterated or those which are too strong for dogs.
Also, remember that every dog’s body is different, and the level of anxiousness they feel will vary as well. It’s a good idea to consult with a vet on how much you should include in their oral dosage, and how often the treatment should be administered.
3. Heals anti-inflammatory issues
Dogs can often experience inflammation for a number of reasons, usually, it’s because of an injury or an illness. This is part of their immune system’s response to distress occurring in the body, and is generally not something you need to worry about.
However, certain dogs can suffer from this often, due to a variety of physiological issues. In such cases, it’s a good idea to try treating it with CBD – which has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Since this may have to be ingested, you should consult your vet and find out how much should be administered to heal the inflammation.
4. Treats allergies
This may surprise some, but dogs can get allergies on their skin, and even get seasonal allergies just like humans. Since CBD consists of anti-inflammatory properties, it can be applied on the inflamed area of the skin to reduce itching, pain, discomfort, swelling, and also inflammation.
Once the area has been treated, it’ll reduce the discomfort felt by the dog which will prevent them from scratching the area – which will allow it to heal sooner.
Article written by Author: Nadine Westwood

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