Is Sugar Bad for Dogs?
As mammals, dogs process foods in a way that is somewhat similar to the way we do. Sugar is carried to all of the body’s cells via the blood in the form of glucose. Your dog may not be ingesting sweets directly, but glucose can come from carbohydrates in their food. Carbohydrates consist of long chains of glucose (which breaks down quickly in the body), raising blood sugar levels. So can dogs eat sugar?
Processed granulated sugar is not a healthy option to feed to dogs and should not be part of your dog’s diet. Like humans, dogs who consume a lot of granulated sugar can develop cavities on their teeth, gain weight, and are at increased risk of developing metabolic conditions and diabetes. These health issues can lead to other conditions such as painful oral infections, heart complications, and arthritis.
So can dogs eat sugar? Dogs do need carbohydrates as part of their diet, but not in the form of granulated sugar.

Do Dogs Like Sugar?
Dogs have fewer taste buds than we do, but they still work in much the same way. Even though it is thought that dogs use smell rather than taste buds to choose their food, they invariably seem to have a sweet tooth. This sweet tooth means that, like us, dogs are attracted to sugary foods. Their sweet tooth also means that, like us, sugar can be addictive for dogs, and consumption can lead to a host of health conditions such as cavities, obesity, and diabetes.
Can I Give Sugar Water To My Dog?
Giving your puppy sugar water is one of the ways to treat low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia. As the liver isn’t fully developed, this condition is more common in puppies than adult dogs. Symptoms can include weakness, sleepiness, trembling or wobbly, and seizures. Feeding your puppy sugar water or a sugar syrup such as honey can be an effective treatment.
Dogs can eat sugar in the form of sugar water. A small amount of sugar water may be appropriate to feed your adult dog, helping to keep their blood sugar levels in check if they have been vomiting and are off their food.
Does Sugar Make Dogs Hyper?
Sugar increases blood sugar levels in both humans and dogs. Colleen Paige, author of The Good Behavior Book for Dogs: The Most Annoying Dog Behaviors … Solved! believes that dogs may get a sugar high that “can cause a dog to be hyper and unfocused.” She thinks that, in many cases in which dogs appear to be ill-mannered and uncooperative, their behavior could have been influenced by diet.

What Happens If My Dog Eats Sugar?
Dogs process sugar in a similar way we do. Sugar, in the form of glucose, is carried to all of the body’s cells via the blood. Sugar is found in some commercial dog foods, so while your dog may not directly be ingesting sweets, he will still be getting some form of sugar or glucose. Glucose can come from carbohydrates, which break down quickly in the body and can raise blood sugar levels.
Like what we experience, dogs can suffer a sugar low after the high, causing dogs to become “sleepy, lethargic, moody and irritable,” says Paige. If your dog is not eating high-quality food with the right ingredients, your pet could experience a regular daily cycle of extreme highs and lows. Over time, problems like diabetes could result, given that the body has to work harder to process excess glucose.
Be aware that glucose can be found in packaged dog foods. So if you are concerned about how much sugar your dog is consuming, check the labels to see how much sugar they contain.
Can Dogs Eat Xylitol?
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can be found in diet foods, chewing gum, candies, etc. Xylitol is extremely toxic for dogs and should never be included as part of your dog’s diet. If ingested, xylitol can cause lethargy, lack of coordination, vomiting, and potentially seizures. If you think that your dog has eaten xylitol, take him to the vet immediately. Xylitol reduces blood sugar levels, which can lead to liver failure, so quick action is essential.
So … Can Dogs Eat Sugar?
Similar to humans, dogs can suffer a sugar low after a sugar high, causing dogs to become “sleepy, lethargic, moody and irritable,” says Paige.
If your dog has a diet high in sugar, over time, problems like diabetes could result, given that the body has to work harder to process excess glucose.
Paige urges owners to avoid dog foods with excess sugar and carbs, not to mention preservatives, artificial coloring, artificial flavorings, and other “no-no” ingredients, as she calls them.
Article written by Author: The Dog Daily Expert