Does Your Dog Look Like You?
What type of dog would a woman with curly hair most likely own: a Rottweiler or a Poodle? Chances are you chose the poodle. People often resembling their dogs has been fodder over the ages for cartoonists, contests, and even the new board game called “Do You Look Like Your Dog?” by Briarpatch. A few years ago, researchers at the University of California, San Diego, proved a scientific basis for this belief, finding that judges correctly matched photos of purebred dogs with owners two out of three times.
Study author Nicholas Christenfeld, a former psychology professor, argues that dog owners seek breeds that resemble them. “Evolutionarily, we’ve adapted to take care of little, nonverbal creatures that resemble us — in most cases, our children,” he says. “In many ways, pets capitalize on that desire. Many people have bonded with pets the way others have bonded with children.”
Researchers are now building upon the look-alike theory to examine if it carries over to personalities and behaviors. British psychology professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire has had nearly 2,500 pet owners fill out questionnaires about their personalities and their pets. He says on his website that pets and their owners get more and more alike over time — just like married couples who tend to dress and look more similar as the years go by.
Nature versus Nurture
The question is: Do people select dogs that act similar to them, or do dogs and owners grow more similar over time? Experts say that it’s likely a bit of both.
People choose dog breeds that are compatible with them on various levels, from appearance to activeness, says Lynn Hoover, MSW, CDBC, founder of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants and author of The Family in Dog Behavior Consulting. “If the owner loves hiking, he will likely choose a dog that can keep up and enjoy long walks. On another level, if the human is by nature distant, independent, tough, dignified, they may admire and draw from a breed known for fierce independence, or (one that is) regal and dignified.”
When a dog spends all its time with you, those human behaviors, schedules, and tastes can rub off. “Dogs do pick up on our moods, preferences, anxieties, and fears,” Hoover says. “And, the rubbing off goes both ways. Dogs arrive with their temperaments and breed tendencies, their fears and anxieties, and they influence owners with their worries or lack thereof.”
There are potential benefits and detriments to this. Hoover says a bold and friendly dog could be useful for an owner who has apprehensions about meeting new people. When strangers approach, the dog can signal the owner that greeting strangers can be fun by wagging its tail. However, a perfectly calm dog in an anxious owner’s home can become a basket case — not knowing how to act, becoming alarmed at visitors, and ignoring commands because of a lack of follow-through.
Pit Your Personality Against Your dog’s
To figure out whether you and your pet are two peas in a pod, answer the following questions about whether these traits apply to you, your dog, or both of you. Add up your score to see your diagnosis below.
- Is happy eating the same breakfast every day:
- me (1)
- my dog (2)
- both of us (3)
- Gets stressed when the mailman arrives with lots of bills:
- me (1)
- my dog (2)
- both of us (3)
- Understands when family members have no time to play:
- me (1)
- my dog (2)
- both of us (3)
- Doesn’t see Prozac as a panacea for life’s problems:
- me (1)
- my dog (2)
- both of us (3)
- Loves nothing better than to take a long walk on a sunny afternoon:
- me (1)
- my dog (2)
- both of us (3)
What Your Answers Say
5-11 points: Dog/Owner Divide
How did you two wind up together? You and your pet are very different if you can honestly say that the traits and behaviors above are reflective more of you, rather than your dog, or vice versa. It may be that your pet personifies the characteristics of another person in your household — a spouse, a parent, or even a child. Substitute “my spouse” (or mother or son) in place of “me” to see if your pup has paired off with someone else.
12-15 points: Separated at Birth
You and your dog are a virtual set of cross-species twins. You have similar traits if you saw a lot of yourself and your pet in the questions above. It may be that you selected a
specific dog breed that best matched your personality — or your looks. Or it could be that Rover has just adapted to your schedule, your likes and dislikes, and your temperament as the pup got to know and love you.
Don’t worry if you and your dog are different but still get along. “Dogs are simple,” Hoover says. “They are what they are, and they react as they will, and that’s the way they stay. Whatever they take on from owners, it happens fast, within their first few interactions with humans, and it quickly becomes habitual.”
Article written by Author: Elizabeth Wasserman