What Is a Veterinary Behaviorist?
Trixie, the Greyhound, lives surrounded by movie stars in her Southern California home, but she was hardly a talent agent’s dream for many years. Fearful and aggressive toward strangers who came to visit, Trixie wouldn’t even go on walks without becoming skittish. Her owner tried just about everything and was at the end of his rope until he found a dog savior.
Los Angeles-area veterinary behaviorist Karen Sueda came to the dog’s rescue. Karen is a DVM and a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (DACVB). After spending time with Trixie’s owner, Dr. Sueda started a behavior modification program. She slowly introduced new people to the anxious Greyhound and conditioned Trixie to respond with behaviors other than growling or snapping.
She encouraged the dog to sit or offer a paw and rewarded her with a treat for doing so. Dr. Sueda also prescribed a psychiatric medication, similar to human drugs such as Prozac, for the stressed-out dog to help her get accustomed to busy streets and loud noises.
“It’s tough to predict the triggers, and you can’t prevent the anxiety,” Dr. Sueda says. “So we talked to the owner about teaching him another behavior the dog could do besides becoming startled or running away, such as sitting.” She adds, “The medication helped speed up the process. Rather than months, it only took a few weeks.”
This type of “dog whispering” is becoming more common for dealing with dog behavioral woes — and for a good reason.
Increasingly, pet owners, veterinarians, and the research community have come to believe that many dog behavioral problems, such as aggressive behavior or biting, destructive chewing, and elimination troubles, have their roots in the emotional health of dogs. When that emotional health is unwell, your dog may need the help of a human psychiatrist equivalent. That’s where veterinary behaviorists step in.
What Does a Veterinary Behaviorist Do?
Veterinary behaviorists are fully trained veterinarians who complete an additional specialized program in behavioral medicine. They then apply to be board-certified by the American College of Veterinary Behavior (ACVB). There are only 47 such certified veterinary behaviorists in the United States today. Ask your general veterinarian for a referral if you think your dog might benefit from this treatment, or look on the ACVBs Web site for a list of certified behaviorists and where they practice. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) Web site may also be a good source. In addition to veterinary behaviorists, this site lists veterinarians who have a particular interest in behavior and members with a Ph.D. in animal behavior or a related field.
Dr. Sueda says that veterinary behaviorists are the dog world’s equivalent to psychiatrists for humans. But since our dogs can’t talk, it’s usually the pet owners who meet first with the “shrink” and provide a history of the dog’s behaviors. Veterinary behaviorists use this information, medical records, what they know of the animal’s behavior in the wild, and how the species communicates with other animals or humans to make a diagnosis.
Once the diagnosis is made, the behaviorist lays out the options for treatment. “Every home situation is different. Every dog is different,” says veterinary behaviorist John Ciribassi, DVM, DACVB, who practices in Carol Stream, Ill. “What is done with one family isn’t necessarily done with another. You have to tailor your approach to situations and people. You have to get the whole family involved.”
What Problems Do Veterinary Behaviorists Treat?
Several common problems cause dog owners to seek out a veterinary behaviorist. The referrals sometimes come from their dog’s general veterinarian.
The most common issue veterinary behaviorists deal with is aggression in dogs, Dr. Ciribassi says. Some aggression in dogs is natural, such as territorial aggression in dogs allowed to run the house or the yard. But aggression that is fear- or anxiety-based is an individual temperament issue, usually caused by a flawed system of transmitting nerve impulses within the dog. “The messages don’t get from one to the other part of the brain,” Dr. Ciribassi says. In cases where fear and anxiety are the results of a chemical imbalance, medication may be part of the solution in addition to behavior modifications, he says.
Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety tends to be the second most common issue veterinary behaviorists treat in dogs, Drs. Ciribassi and Sueda say. Separation anxiety is often a situation in which a dog becomes anxious or nervous when they are separated from their primary attachment figure — typically an owner. Separation anxiety often results in destructive behavior. Dogs will sometimes chew or scratch at furniture or doors or even destroy items left in the home. Dr. Ciribassi says behaviorists try to desensitize the dog to being left alone by decreasing how much the owner interacts with the dog in the house. Followed by teaching the owner to be low-key when they go and return. Sometimes medication is needed.
Elimination Disorders
These include the elimination of waste inside the house and territorial marking. Behaviorists have to get to the root of the problem. Sometimes it can be as simple as a bad habit that the dog has formed and needs to break. Other times, marking, in particular, can be caused by aggression between multiple dogs in a house.
FDA-Approved Medications For Dogs
Prescribing psychiatric meds for dogs is a last resort, Dr. Sueda says, and is only considered after other behavior modification forms have failed. The behavior modification techniques often include desensitizing the dog to a particular trigger and then counter-conditioning the pet to react with different behavior. These methods are similar to teaching humans how to overcome their fears — such as a fear of flying.
When medications are called for, veterinary behaviorists have three types of psychiatric medications approved for dogs’ behavioral uses by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These three medications are as follows:
Fluoxetine is a generic form of Prozac and has been approved to treat separation anxiety in dogs.
Clomicalm aka clomipramine hydrochloride has also been approved to treat separation anxiety in dogs.
Selegiline is sold as Anipryl for veterinary usage, has been approved for treating cognitive dysfunction in dogs — akin to Alzheimer’s disease in older dogs.
Dr. Sueda says that early intervention is the key to solving your dog’s behavior problems. “Behavior problems are just like any other habit. The more we’re allowed to practice bad behavior, the better we get at it,” she says. “For the dog’s well-being — as well as the owner’s — you need to catch it early.”
Article written by Author: Elizabeth Wasserman