Hi, my name is Sandra, and I’m the person and face, behind TheDogDaily.com website.
I’m sure you’ll want to know all about me and why I created this website about dogs. And yes, I’m a real person, not some blog article machine pumping out endless pages of the same regurgitated stuff.
My Background & Experience
My love of dogs has been a life-long affair and I’ve raised them for close to 15 years.
My first pup was a beautiful Collie named Coco. I have a deep passion for dogs, and I’ve been involved in their care since early on. Raising and training them myself has given me valuable hands-on experience that is now put to use with each new pup!
Whether you’re looking to train your own dog or just want someone who knows what they are doing hopefully you’ll find all my personal experience of value.
Fast forward, not only do I find myself surrounded by furred friends – every day is full of furrendezvous across many disciplines, including agility training or even just playing fetch outside.

Golden Retreivers are my personal favorite
My whole family have been raised around at least one Retriever in the house at all times..
Most of my dogs have been medium to large breeds, including German Shepherds and Pugs. One exception is the Rottweiler – I’ve only ever owned one!
When I was younger, my family had only one dog – a Golden Retriever. Nowadays? My grown children are all dog owners themselves with their own packs including two Collies (one being very large), a Fox Terrier, Kelpie Cross and Shih Tzu in addition to the mixed breed rescue dogs they have acquired over the years.
Loving and caring for your new puppy or dog is just like being a parent.
It takes patience, and practice… it’s a process that needs research, energy and lots of LOVE. You’ll have to spend money on things like food for them too! In addition, you should always remember common sense when around these animals,
For the past few decades, I’ve been involved with dogs of all shapes and sizes. From training professionals to breeds that require special care; my experience will help you take your pup from puppyhood through adulthood!
I know what it’s like when one little dog becomes two big ones – or even three, and how important communication is between them as they grow into adolescence…or old age! So don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about your dog.

I have years of experience in the field
And also offer veterinary input on puppy/dog health information that can be found by following my website.
You’ll find articles written by Dr. Jessica Vogelsang on certain pages, these are written exclusively for The Dog Daily and give you access to a veterinarian’s viewpoint and knowledge.
She is a small animal veterinarian and pet aficionado from San Diego, Calif, who advises me on health related content, keeping me up to date and accurate with the advice and information given.
Dr. Vogelsang graduated from the University of San Diego with a B.S. in Zoology and a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine.
As a practicing veterinarian in the California area, she provides preventative care for small animals to ensure their health and well-being.

Why I Built This Website
I have spent my whole life with dogs, and I know that they are so much more than just pets. They represent to me what it means for a person to be loyal – not only in body but also in heart!
Radar and my granddaughter Lucy sharing a cookie!
To add a puppy (or dog) into your life is an expensive and time-consuming commitment.
The number one thing I realized as the years went by is that many new owners have very little experience caring for dogs and often bring unrealistic expectations to their puppy or adult dog and themselves.
Dogs get given up
This is such a sad topic and one I’m sure most people don’t want to think about. It’s the reality for so many dogs in our world today: being given up on by their human family because they’ve had problems that could have been avoided or fixed with some knowledge. Sometimes it just breaks my heart when reading stories like this; there are no words (or at least not enough) to describe how awful this must feel!
I hope you’ll join me as we help make change happen together, by educating ourselves regarding these matters before adopting/loving another furry friend.
Building my dog website from home
When I needed some stay-at-home mom income, the only thing that came to mind was how much joy dogs could bring their owners. So with this knowledge on my side (and thanks a lot!) I started up an online business where visitors are able not only to learn how to train their puppy or dog but also to buy them treats and toys!
When I was just a pup in the 2000s, using technology to connect people with their four-legged friends seemed like an amazing idea. So thirteen years ago, I created this site. It has since gone on not only providing information but also tips & advice about how best to take care of your pup!
Nowadays there are many ways you can find information about your pets from all over – but back then, folks still largely relied upon newspapers or TV news stations, which were limited by space.
I’m here to answer all of your dog-related questions.
I’ve got you covered! Whether it’s what kind of food is best for my pup? Or how often should they go on their walk today – let me help with that one (and more).
I know first hand that owning a furry friend can be expensive so so you’ll find plenty of tips and tricks within these pages. Rest assured, I love dogs just as much they do themselves 🙂

My Experience, Research & Resources
Topics such as health, breed information and statistics are important to cover when writing articles on this site. Some topics require additional research for more in-depth coverage than what can be done through quick summaries or brief overviews alone; especially if one wants an accurate representation (and understanding) of their subjects.
To give you the best, most up-to-date and accurate information about dogs, I am committed to providing all visitors to my site with great content.
My research is extensive, and it taught me a lot about dogs!
In addition to reading professional resources like books or articles from organizations that deal with animal care every day (like the American Veterinary Association), I also looked at regulatory bodies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to make sure your pup’s food is safe for them.
While there are many resources that I use when compiling articles, statistics and charts; here’s a few of my favorites.
- American Animal Hospital Assocation (aaha.org)
- Veterinary Centers of America Inc. (vcahospitals.com)
- American Veterinary Medical Foundation (avma.org)
- American Kennel Club (AKC) (akc.org)
- AKC Canine Health Organization (akcchf.org)
- The American Veterinarian (americanveterinarian.com)
- The ASPCA (aspca.org)
- Humane Society of the United States (humanesociety.org)
- The Pet Food Institute (petfoodinstitute.org)
- Canine Health Information Center (ofa.org)
- US Food and Drug Administration (fda.gov)
Up Close & Personal
The woman behind the scenes is real! I know it seems like a chaotic, hectic world out there. There’s so much going on and you’re always stressed about something or other – work related issues at home with family members… But guess what? That same stress can also be found in my daily life as well. And while some days may seem more exciting than others; they are still just another day among many until this point becomes one long string of “memories” worth remembering.
I hope you are enjoying your time on this site. Here’s a little peek behind the scenes of my life and family with me in it 🙂 There really is an actual person who makes all those posts.

My free time is spent with my loved ones, taking care of our furry friends and cats. I also love to read (totally eclectic taste in books!), go out on the town or watch a good movie!
I should mention that one thing which always makes me happy is chocolate chip cookies.
Every morning I wake up and log on to my computer, eager for the first thing that arrives in my inbox. When there’s an email from someone saying “thank you” or asking questions about what they can do better with their pup (or owner), it feels like a gift – one of many delivered by this job!
I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here, and now you know the person behind these pages. Maybe we’ll cross paths again soon! Until then…enjoy yourself with all those pups (or dogs) – make sure they know just how much their owners love them every day!
Editorial Team
Past Managing Editor
Jennifer Viegas is an award-winning writer and editor who specializes in animal topics. She is a longtime contributor, radio personality and broadband video director for Animal Planet’s multimedia offerings, Discovery Channel News, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Formerly Viegas was the science and animal reporter for ABC News, a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist and women’s magazine contributing editor. Viegas is also author of over 20 books on a range of topics from animals to science.
Frequent Contributors
Brad Kloza is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine and Discover.
Elizabeth Wasserman is a Washington, D.C., area-based freelancer who has been writing about pets, among other topics, for more than 15 years. Her love of dogs, in particular, was handed down through the generations from her great-grandfather, Eric Knight, who wrote the book Lassie Come Home in the 1030s.
Darcy Lockman is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times and Rolling Stone.
Kim Boatman is a Northern California-based journalist whose work has appeared in The Miami Herald, Detroit Free Press and San Jose Mercury News.
Editorial Policy
The information published on The Dog Daily is produced independently or has been approved by the managing editor after review. Content is written and edited by leading experts to ensure that only the most accurate information is published.
We follow accepted journalistic quality standards and principles in source selection and fact verification, and endorses ASME’s “ASME Guidelines for Editors and Publishers,” including “Best Practices for Digital Media.”
Dog Shop
In 2020 we decided to branch out and offer dog products and dog related products as a way of complimenting our website. We’ve hand picked each item making sure of it’s quality based on price. You’ll enjoy FREE Shipping worldwide on all products in our shop. Currency is USD and most of our customers are in the United States.
We do not mention the name or specific products of a given sponsor, although that sponsor’s product categories may be mentioned if they are relevant within editorial context.
Unless indicated, content contributors are not employed by or on retainer by the program’s sponsor. If a contributor is employed by or on retainer by the program’s sponsor, we agree to disclose this relationship in the biographical note on the page where that contributor appears.
You will see that some of our content, tools and links are labeled “From Our Sponsor”. This non-editorial content has not been reviewed by our editorial staff and is not subject to this editorial policy.
In such case that content be used on a sponsor’s Web site, it is done so with Our Company permission.